Monday, May 4, 2009

So here's... (long and TMI)

...the update Ive been forgetting to put on. My "date" was an extremely eventful evening. LAO and I ended up having dinner at Sonic fromt he dollar menu because the boys kinda sorta stood us up for the dinner at Eddie's. So we hung out until around 9:30 and then I finally called TWL and told him that we were coming to get him, no questions asked, we'd made plans and I was meeting SOMEONE period. He laughed and LAO drove to where he was hanging at and picked his already drunk behind up. I drove LAO's truck back to Eddie's and then went along with her and TWL to pick up MCS. MCS was kind of distant at first and then the next thing I know we're sitting on the couch all cuddled up watching SPEED tv. Not that Im a big motor head but I like watching sometimes. It can be entertaining and educational. So we hung out until about 2:30 and I edned up driving LAO's truck home and dropping MCS off on my way.

The interesting thing about that night was the fact that MCS took no as an answer even thought he knew he could talk me into giving him a yes. And he chose to meet me rather than go to someone he knew would give him some, hands down. Since then we haven't technically hung out. On Thursday however MCS, TWL, LAO and I ended up goig to Fast Eddy's. It started out as TWL, LAO, TIM & I going to dinner and then to a local bar. {{Side Note: TIM is someone else TWL is trying to set me up with}} MCS shows up at the restaurant and doesnt give me 2 looks once he sees that I'm sitting beside TIM. Then he says he's going to The Bee's and then home. Our little group goes on to the bar and about 20 minutes after being there guess who walks in.... thats right MCS. Can you believe it? I couldn't. I was so stoked. One minute we're cool just chillin there the next thing I know TWL walks up and says oh we're going to Fast Eddy's. I love to dance So Im definately down for anywhere with a dance floor. But first of course we had to go to another of TWL & MCS's friend's house to pre-game. There MCS acts like we're cool and it's all good. We get in the truck to head over to Fast Eddy's and as soon as we get across state lines.. I dont exist. No comments, no looks, nothing.

Im the queen of confusion at this point, well still at this point right now early tuesday morning.

So Im trying not to get my head too far ahead of where everything really is... but TWL acts like Im on the right trac, but MCS acts like I barely exist... so whatev... this can all be so frustrating.

Well.. I have to get back to work now.... Other news to come soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Im so pathetic

I cant help but realize how truly transparent I can be. Coke can see right through me and it makes me feel so childish and unprotected. Im trying not to be the crazed person that I once was. And really Im doing much better, its more that I have a friendship with Frenchie that Im not ready to let go to just nothing more than friendship. Im just a real attachment forming girl. Coke said that if I could I would get my hands on French and never let go. But its not true. I would have liked to gotten to know him better, but that doesnt mean that I would have wanted to spend all of my time with him, like he does with his gf or that I would have really wanted to maintain a relationship with a man who can be as high maintenance as French can be. I just would have liked to give it a try. I really didnt mean for anyone at work to find out about going to dinner tomorrow with Eddie , Trey and Leigh Ann but now its too late and Coke think that Im a crazy bitch who can't let go of someone who doesnt want me and I just seem so pathetic... and I can only imagine how this is all coming off to those of you who are reading this and have no clue about female insanity. But really I am quite sane and really I am just trying to be friends with guys that I think are really amazing people and extremely entertaining. and I think that some people may see it as insanity but really Im just grabbing onto the people that tend ot make the most sense to me at the time. And I cant really help it if the people who make sense are the ones that I was hanging out with or the ones that Ive started to have a close friendship bond with.. ARG why does ti have to be so difficult because French has a penis!

I also havent told Jazz or Colie about my date, and I JUST told Vicki so its not like Im just keeping it from French... Im trying not to get to exited about it ebfore anything comes of it. AND NOW im just over thinking all of it. WTFE!!! Im just trying to get myself moving into a positive relationship direction. Im not obsessing, im not attached Im just ready to move on.

Sorry I just had to vent.. if you read through the craziness till now you are truly amazing people.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

....Rawr Babes, Rawr....

So the latest and the greatest. Im meeting my counsin's kind of boyfriend's friend on Wednesday. She told me that he drives a big truck.. im totally loving that! I want a big truck, WOOOT!

I added mobile blogging to this blog so I can share WHENEVER I feel it's neccesary. Yay for me, because alot of times I have random things i want to say/share and no one to say/share them with.. so you are the lucky contestants on the luck's gone south! HAHA.

So random update-ness

Im currently 'owned' by 2 guys Coke, who I work with and Simon who lives in Australia. Im definately more sane than i used to be.. im also a little more spastic when it comes to thought processes. but we'll see... I got busy talking to Linda and forgot what I was going to say.. Some thing will NEVER change..


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Update.... Because I procrastinate

So I was cleaning out my mom's suitcase, I mean purse and found a CD with all of our pictures from her Desktop computer. Of course that meant I had to hi-jack all the pictures I wanted off of that CD immediately. There would be no waiting on that for sure. And I found all kinds of interesting pictures that I forgot had been taken... So here I am going to show you what my family is really like.. haha...

Me, my sister (SARS) and that arm belongs to my Granny.
A very natural looking picture, dont you agree?

My mom and Sars... she maybe a bit on the drunker
side of things at this point of the picture taking....

This would be Billy, my younger brother, driving the four wheeler. And that is our "uncle" Donald behind him.
Me... almost smiling.. closer to grunting and bearing it, i suppose. I think I was worried about my safety with Bill driving something, anything

My Cousin, LA and my self. I have no clue how to drive 4-Wheelers, so I dont. I let her do all that driving business, and I just enjoy the ride.

My uncle is driving my Mom around in this here picture

I was telling someone something VERY important. I am sure.

That is all for pictures right now.. I think that is plenty. I am currently procrastinating studying for my accounting test at 10 o'clock... because who studies before a test? Thats what I'd like to know! Okay... so I should be studying.. but I dont really have the drive right now. Im having a hard time getting motivated. I'm thinking about transferring to an online school... that would be so much easier for me to do... not only because then I can just attend lectures in my pj's, literally. But because I can work it around my schedule and not the other way around.. and with the possibility of stuff going insanely wrong with my family.. I think it's probably a smarter way to do things. So now I have to decide on an online school, and figure out when I want to transfer to it. For Spring 08 Semester or Fall 08 Semester. And now I'm starting to stress myself out before a test, which is also a bad idea. So I'm going to not stress out... and just ask advice from ANYONE who stumbles across this...

Have you heard of any decent online schools with business majors?

HELP ME! Okay.... now that I've done that I'm going to fix a second cup of coffee and get ready to drive my 40 minutes to school... How I love thee traffic.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

There is nothing quite like waking up from a deep sleep to the cheesy ring of a cheap portable phone. Especally when that deep sleep is induced by the consumption of almost illegal beverages, the crossing of an international border, and 4 hours of continuous dancing or walking. But I do have to say that I enjoy Windsor. It's always fun to go over the bridge or under the tunnel and see the skylines. Jazz took most of the pictures last night, so I'm waiting on her to upload them to Facebook. Then I'm going to manipulate them a little for optimum viewing with Paint.Net. And then I'm going post them.
I have today off.. which is always fun... so I've been sitting around in my hanes boxers and a hoodie watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Apparently there's some kind of Marathon on USA for it. There is just something about the way that every show is basically the same, with tiny variations. Well, Mom is going to be picking me up soon.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Should be.... Focus.. I need focus

I have no idea what to write about.... these always turn into the most interesting posts, in my mind. But everything is interesting in my mind. haha.

I should probably be packing, as I'm heading to Jackson tonight after work, to do some laundry (cause it's free at mom's), and we're going car shopping for her tomorrow. :) Her not so old, clunker of a Sable died on Monday. And she's been using a rental car to get around but, let's be honest, rental cars are no where near affordable for everyday use.

This weekend, I have rather big plans.. I'm going to Canada with a few friends to celebrate Jennie's Birthday. She's turning 23. Yes at 23 you can drink in the US... however most of us who are going aren't 21, myself included. So we're going to celebrate with her in Canada, it was her idea.

Jennie Me Ruth

And yes, we are adorable. And yes, we do know this. Anyhow, this weekend is sure to be RATHER exciting. (to see Ruth clearly you need to somehow get to the picture.. cause this layout doesnt move.. argggg! But I lover her anyhow.)

while posting this rather short entry, i did some "researching" and have lost all direction for where I was going... hopefully I will really write an entry that won't be cut off by me saying that I lost my direction.... but until then...

yall come on back now, ya hear?!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Alright Already

I'm posting, dang it...

I was going to wait and have something really worth while to write about.. like how I fell in love (haha right.) Or was graduating and being offered a "real" job. But it just ain't happening right now. Right now I'm busy trying not to fall asleep in my contemporary selling class.. My professor isnt very good at speaking English.. and has this snort cough nasal thing he does every 35 seconds when he pauses awkwardly in the middle of a lecture. I'm not trying to pick on the man, honestly.. it just is what it is.

I've been enjoying Miz Ree's story about how she met her husband, MM. I have to admit that since I started reading her blog I've re-fallen in love with the idea of marrying a farmer/rancher in Kentucky and just raising a brood of my own chitlins.

I got new photo editing software last night, so I will be posting some pics soon. I know better than to promise when I can't deliver, but I gotta figure out how it all works, before I really post anything. :) Now I think I'm going to mess with some pics.