Monday, September 17, 2007

Alright Already

I'm posting, dang it...

I was going to wait and have something really worth while to write about.. like how I fell in love (haha right.) Or was graduating and being offered a "real" job. But it just ain't happening right now. Right now I'm busy trying not to fall asleep in my contemporary selling class.. My professor isnt very good at speaking English.. and has this snort cough nasal thing he does every 35 seconds when he pauses awkwardly in the middle of a lecture. I'm not trying to pick on the man, honestly.. it just is what it is.

I've been enjoying Miz Ree's story about how she met her husband, MM. I have to admit that since I started reading her blog I've re-fallen in love with the idea of marrying a farmer/rancher in Kentucky and just raising a brood of my own chitlins.

I got new photo editing software last night, so I will be posting some pics soon. I know better than to promise when I can't deliver, but I gotta figure out how it all works, before I really post anything. :) Now I think I'm going to mess with some pics.

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